Kay's Logs
About Me
On Life Lemons & Lessons
Kay, how do I...?
Watchu Doin'
Life Lemons & Lessons
Here I write about life, lessons and my psychological shortcomings and stuff. Essentially a "encyclopedia of my emotional imbalances" (a volume without end tbh)
On 2024
Probably The Most Eventful Year Yet
On The Perfect Man
A 25 point checklist that you're likely to only check 3 or 4 boxes off.
On Being Enough
it's not even between the binary of good and bad. it's just...
On Mom
unpublished drafts #1
On 21 lessons turning 21
1095 weeks lived. 2528 weeks left.
I need to vent a little
On Regrets
At the door I turn to take one last look.
On Room 2072
A letter to the future tentants of room 2072.
On Some Frustrations
Some drunk rants sitting on top of a rock while eating a snickers.
On Little Things
just bc you have a cow you can't forget about the chickens
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