On Resolutions 2023
On my quest to get closer to becoming an Ubermensch
It's a New Year and that means it's yet another year to roll your eyes after doing some paperwork and saying, “Goddamit I gotta stop writing 2022 on everything!” and "Goddamit I gotta make some New Year's resolutions!"
Now to tell you the truth my actual resolution has always been pretty much to get laid but considering the fact that this is not actually happening anytime soon here are some other more 'realistic' goals and resolutions I have set for myself in 2023 in my quest to get closer to becoming an Ubermensch:
[...] = Latest progress
(...) = side note
# Personal Goals
Downgrade from smartphone to a mini Blackberry[migrated to this]- Make one best friend (I mean I have lots of friends and pseudo-friends but it's been a while since I have had a "best friend")
- Get a driver's license [booked driving classes]
- Have 10 of those deep soul-fucking conversations with 10 people [3/10]
- Be able to do 50 pull-ups in a row [currently level: 30/50]
- Do 10km weekly Saturday runs. [currently level: 6/10]
- Take a 10-day Vipasna Meditation Retreat [scheduled in August]
- Learn how to cook 10 North Indian dishes
- Get an office space
- Move to a new city [might be moving to Edinburgh, UK]
# Business Goals
- Do 3 fully documented completely bollocks personal projects (which I would post on my blog) of which 1 would be a collaboration with someone
- Do 3 free gigs for companies/brands/people I like
- Limit profesh gigs to only 3 clients this year [1/3 booked; screening for 2nd pre-booking of this year]
- Participate in 3 online communities [1/3 : r/bookclub]
- Take Saturdays off (which will never happen, but ow well)
- Get rejected or self-reject at least 50 things/opportunities/offers (I really need to learn to say NO more) [22/50 rejections]
# More "Try to" goals
Note the repeated uses of "try" in these resolutions– these are the one I am fairly certain I will fail at:
- Try to buy more socks [now a proud owner of 5 pair of socks]
- Try not to judge people who don't know how to use apostrophes quite so harshly.
- Try to do at least one impulsive and possibly utterly stupid thing
- Try cutting down on my parasocial relationships
- Try to have a (near-orgasmic) appreciation for life and be amazed and inspired more often. I will try and remember the feeling of awe in the daily grunt of my existence, which sometimes feels as happening as a jellyfish
- Try to stay less 'connected' through the internet, mobile phone so that I can have more time for the great things in life (reading, writing painting drawing, talking with humans)
Yeah ughmm... that's about it.