On Writing
So Kay what's this blog thingy about?
I recently got the question: "So Kay what's this newsletter thingy you're doing about?"
And as I thought about I realized that it is quite a hard question for me to answer. Because even if you look in the text in the signup form you'll realize that I literally have no zippy dippy 5-second elevator pitch that I have for this all-over-the-place kind of writing that I do.
But as I noticed carefully I realized that there is a clear throughline to it all, though, it's... me and my voice.
And I guess that's enough of an elevator pitch for me.
In today's world, your voice is your only unique product, and it's also your greatest tool.
So I guess, this is a medium for me to explore my own individualistic voice.
When I started this thing, I won't lie I was quite paranoid about it:
What the hell will I write?
I have nothing orignal to write about?
Who tf, if anyone, will read this stuff?
What if my clients and coworkers finds out about it?
What if I show myself and people think I'm a terrible idiot person?
What if I suck?
The thing is that in today's world it's easy to become an overthinking rabbit and be far too concerned with what others' opinions about you are. Becoming who you want others to see has become far more important than who you originally are and that's a scary scary thing to me.
And the fact is I see it happen all around me and truthfully that's the kind of world we're living in right now. And then you suddenly wonder why everyone's starting to look all the same when we're all supposed to be different and our own quirky selves.
It's not a bad thing to show your own unique selves.
We're not meant to be the same.
You're your own unique individual and you should explore and share that.
And I guess this blog is a medium for me to explore and share my own unique individualistic voice.
I mean there are a few more reasons why I write:
I write to think.
I write because it helps me think.
When I wanna learn about something or I want clarity on a topic or if there's something that's troubling me... I write about it.
And what I found is often when I start writing about it, it all starts becoming clear and obvious.
Writing is mostly a medium that I use to communicate with myself (and not the world) mostly.
Writing is not that you have something to say, it's that you find out something that you have to say.
As an archive.
I write to build a sort of a public journal that I (and even other people) can sift back through and see how I grew, what decisions I made in the past and how I thought about a particular thing and how I would handle certain things.
It's a fun activity to cringe while looking at the things you did while you were younger. I've actually kind of grown to enjoy doing this.
It's also building kind of like a second brain.
A place where I can express myself and share the things I have learned or am currently learning. Kind of like teaching things as I learn to actually learn them.
To connect
This also serves as a medium of connecting with other people asynchronously.
These blogs are kind of mini versions of me that I am putting out online that people can interact with and have conversations with these parts of me while.... say I am taking a shower or defrosting the fridge.
I mean there've been a lot of times when I am meeting the person the first time and they've literally said that "I feel like I already know you." It's a magical thing innit?
And the more people interact with you, the more they trust you. You don't have to go through multiple conversations to get someone to trust you and put their bars down and then really connect. It just automates and makes the process a lot faster.
Building a personal brand
It's also a way of building your own mini-personal brand.
Being in the creative industry I have seen that people buy in the person behind the business first and then they buy into the products and services. Take Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, and Richard Branson for example and go on Twitter and compare their followers and their company's followers. All of them have literally 2x or 4x times more followers than their brands.
We buy from someone when we feel like we know the person. These days people want to know who you are and what you stand for.
Daniel Priestley talks about this idea of the KPI method in his book very well that building a Key Person Of Influence brand is the fastest way to grow your business these days.
And one of the methods he talks about to build this brand is: Publishing content. All these Key Person Of Influence people that you see around yourself have a blog, they have a book, they are on podcasts. They just make it ridiculously easy for you to deep dive into their content and interact with them. And then these people build their businesses and product ecosystems around themselves.
So yeah it's building this personal brand on some level too, but not something I am actively trying to do though, it's more of kinda like a side effect.
So as it turns out there are a lot of reasons to share and put your selves out there more. Your voice has a meaning. It's just that the meaning is what you choose to give out yourself...
The real question here is what's stopping you from just taking one little step toward sharing your voice...? Is it your fear of "No one really cares" or "What will others think about it?"
Don't let what others think about you become more important than your own self.
That's it.